Running WorkBench

Server (localhost or server machine)

$ cd workbench
$ ./workbench

Example Clients (use -s for remote server)

There are about a dozen example clients showing how to use workbench on pcaps, PEfiles, pdfs, and log files. We even have a simple nodes.js client (looking for node devs to pop some pull requests :).

$ cd workbench/clients
$ python [-s tcp://]

Configuration File Information

When you first run workbench it copies default.ini to config.ini within the workbench/server directory, you can make local changes to this file without worrying about it getting overwritten on the next ‘git pull’. Also you can store API keys in it because it never gets pushed back to the repository.

# Example/default configuration for the workbench server

# Server URI (server machine ip or name)
# Example: mybigserver or
server_uri = localhost

# DataStore URI (datastore machine ip or name)
# Example: mybigserver or
datastore_uri = localhost

# Neo4j URI (Neo4j Graph DB machine ip or name)
# Example: mybigserver or
neo4j_uri = localhost

# ElasticSearch URI (ELS machine ip or name)
# Example: mybigserver or
els_uri = localhost

# DataStore Database
# Example: customer123, ml_talk, pdf_deep
database = workbench

# Storage Limits (in MegaBytes, 0 for no limit)
worker_cap = 10
samples_cap = 200

# VT API Key
# Example: 93748163412341234v123947
vt_apikey = 123

Workbench Examples

Please note that all of these notebooks are ‘clients’ hitting the workbench server. Making your own client is super easy! See Making a Client

Making your own Worker

Fill in info

Making your own Client

Although the Workbench repository has dozens of clients (see workbench/clients)there is NO official client to workbench. Clients are examples of how YOU can just use ZeroRPC from the Python, Node.js, or CLI interfaces. See ZeroRPC.

import zerorpc
c = zerorpc.Client()
with open('evil.pcap','rb') as f:
    md5 = c.store_sample('evil.pcap',
print c.work_request('pcap_meta', md5)

Output from above ‘client’: python {'pcap_meta': {'encoding': 'binary',   'file_size': 54339570,   'file_type': 'tcpdump (little-endian) - version 2.4 (Ethernet, 65535)',   'filename': 'evil.pcap',   'import_time': '2014-02-08T22:15:50.282000Z',   'md5': 'bba97e16d7f92240196dc0caef9c457a',   'mime_type': 'application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap'}} ### Running the IPython Notebooks * brew install freetype * brew install gfortran * pip install -r requirements_notebooks.txt * Go to Starbucks..

Workbench Conventions

Workers should adhere to the following naming conventions (not enforced)

  • If you work on a specific type of sample than start the name with that
  • Examples:,,
  • A worker that is new/experimental should start with ‘x_’ (
  • A ‘view’(worker that handles ‘presentation’) should start with ‘view_’
  • Examples:,,

Running Tests

Unit testing and sub-pipeline tests

$ cd workbench/server/workers
$ ./runtests

Full pipeline tests (clients exercise a larger set of components)

$ cd workbench/clients
$ ./runtests

Test Coverage

If you want to run the test code coverage properly you’ll need to create a ~/.noserc file with these options:


Benign Error

We have no idea why occasionaly you see this pop up in the server output. To our knowledge it literally has no impact on any functionality or robustness. If you know anything about this please help us out by opening an issue and pull request. :), unable to route event:
_zpc_more {'response_to': '67d7df3f-1f3e-45f4-b2e6-352260fa1507', 'zmqid':
['\x00\x82*\x01\xea'], 'message_id': '67d7df42-1f3e-45f4-b2e6-352260fa1507',
'v': 3} [...]

VirusTotal Warning

The worker uses a shared ‘low-volume’ API key provided by SuperCowPowers LLC. When running the vt_query worker the following warning happens quite often:

"VirusTotal Query Error, no valid response... past per min quota?"

If you’d like to use the vt_query worker on a regular basis, you’ll have to put your own VirusTotal API key in the workbench/server/config.ini file.