Source code for workbench.server.data_store

"""DataStore class for WorkBench."""

from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_socket()
import pymongo
import gridfs
import hashlib
import datetime
import bson
import time

[docs]class DataStore(object): """DataStore for Workbench. Currently tied to MongoDB but making this class 'abstract' should be straightforward and we could think about using another backend. """ def __init__(self, uri='mongodb://localhost/workbench', database='workbench', worker_cap=0, samples_cap=0): """ Initialization for the Workbench data store class. Args: uri: Connection String for DataStore backend. database: Name of database. worker_cap: MBs in the capped collection. samples_cap: MBs of sample to be stored. """ self.sample_collection = 'samples' self.worker_cap = worker_cap self.samples_cap = samples_cap # Get connection to mongo self.database_name = database self.uri = 'mongodb://'+uri+'/'+self.database_name self.mongo = pymongo.MongoClient(self.uri, use_greenlets=True) self.database = self.mongo.get_default_database() # Get the gridfs handle self.gridfs_handle = gridfs.GridFS(self.database) # Run the periodic operations self.last_ops_run = time.time() self.periodic_ops() print '\t- WorkBench DataStore connected: %s:%s' % (self.uri, self.database_name)
[docs] def get_uri(self): """ Return the uri of the data store.""" return self.uri
[docs] def store_sample(self, filename, sample_bytes, type_tag): """Store a sample into the datastore. Args: filename: Name of the file. sample_bytes: Actual bytes of sample. type_tag: Type of sample ('exe','pcap','pdf','json','swf', or ...). Returns: Digest md5 digest of the sample. """ sample_info = {} # Compute the MD5 hash sample_info['md5'] = hashlib.md5(sample_bytes).hexdigest() # Check if sample already exists if self.has_sample(sample_info['md5']): print 'Sample %s: already exists in DataStore' % (sample_info['md5']) return sample_info['md5'] # Run the periodic operations self.periodic_ops() # Check if we need to expire anything self.expire_data() # Okay start populating the sample for adding to the data store # Filename, length, import time and type_tag sample_info['filename'] = filename sample_info['length'] = len(sample_bytes) sample_info['import_time'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() sample_info['type_tag'] = type_tag # Random customer for now import random sample_info['customer'] = random.choice(['Mega Corp', 'Huge Inc', 'BearTron', 'Dorseys Mom']) # Push the file into the MongoDB GridFS sample_info['__grid_fs'] = self.gridfs_handle.put(sample_bytes) self.database[self.sample_collection].insert(sample_info) # Print info print 'Sample Storage: %.2f out of %.2f MB' % (self.sample_storage_size(), self.samples_cap) # Return the sample md5 return sample_info['md5']
[docs] def sample_storage_size(self): """Get the storage size of the samples storage collection.""" try: coll_stats = self.database.command('collStats', 'fs.chunks') sample_storage_size = coll_stats['size']/1024.0/1024.0 return sample_storage_size except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: return 0
[docs] def expire_data(self): """Expire data within the samples collection.""" # Do we need to start deleting stuff? while self.sample_storage_size() > self.samples_cap: # This should return the 'oldest' record in samples record = self.database[self.sample_collection].find().sort('import_time',pymongo.ASCENDING).limit(1)[0] # Delete it print 'Deleting sample: %s (%.2f MB)...' % (record['md5'], record['length']/1024.0/1024.0) self.database[self.sample_collection].remove({'md5': record['md5']}) self.gridfs_handle.delete(record['__grid_fs']) # Print info print 'Sample Storage: %.2f out of %.2f MB' % (self.sample_storage_size(), self.samples_cap)
[docs] def clean_for_serialization(self, data): """Clean data in preparation for serialization. Deletes items having key either a BSON, datetime, dict or a list instance, or starting with __. Args: data: Sample data to be serialized. Returns: Cleaned data dictionary. """ if isinstance(data, dict): for k in data.keys(): if (k.startswith('__')): del data[k] elif isinstance(data[k], bson.objectid.ObjectId): del data[k] elif isinstance(data[k], datetime.datetime): data[k] = data[k].isoformat()+'Z' elif isinstance(data[k], dict): data[k] = self.clean_for_serialization(data[k]) elif isinstance(data[k], list): data[k] = [self.clean_for_serialization(item) for item in data[k]] return data
[docs] def clean_for_storage(self, data): """Clean data in preparation for storage. Deletes items with key having a '.' or is '_id'. Also deletes those items whose value is a dictionary or a list. Args: data: Sample data dictionary to be cleaned. Returns: Cleaned data dictionary. """ data = self.data_to_unicode(data) if isinstance(data, dict): for k in dict(data).keys(): if k == '_id': del data[k] continue if '.' in k: new_k = k.replace('.', '_') data[new_k] = data[k] del data[k] k = new_k if isinstance(data[k], dict): data[k] = self.clean_for_storage(data[k]) elif isinstance(data[k], list): data[k] = [self.clean_for_storage(item) for item in data[k]] return data
[docs] def get_sample(self, md5): """Get the sample from the data store. This method first fetches the data from datastore, then cleans it for serialization and then updates it with 'raw_bytes' item. Args: md5: The md5 digest of the sample to be fetched from datastore. Returns: The sample dictionary. Raises: RuntimeError: Either Sample is not found or the gridfs file is missing. """ sample_info = self.database[self.sample_collection].find_one({'md5': md5}) if not sample_info: raise RuntimeError('Sample not found: %s ' % (md5)) # Get the raw bytes from GridFS (note: this could fail) try: grid_fs_id = sample_info['__grid_fs'] sample_info = self.clean_for_serialization(sample_info) sample_info.update({'raw_bytes':self.gridfs_handle.get(grid_fs_id).read()}) return sample_info except gridfs.errors.CorruptGridFile: # If we don't have the gridfs files, delete the entry from samples self.database[self.sample_collection].update({'md5': md5}, {'md5': None}) raise RuntimeError('Sample not found: %s ' % (md5))
[docs] def get_sample_window(self, type_tag, size=10): """Get a window of samples not to exceed size (in MB). Args: type_tag: Type of sample ('exe','pcap','pdf','json','swf', or ...). size: Size of samples in MBs. Returns: a list of md5s. """ # Convert size to MB size = size * 1024 * 1024 # Grab all the samples of type=type_tag, sort by import_time (newest to oldest) cursor = self.database[self.sample_collection].find({'type_tag': type_tag}, {'md5': 1,'length': 1}).sort('import_time',pymongo.DESCENDING) total_size = 0 md5_list = [] for item in cursor: if total_size > size: return md5_list md5_list.append(item['md5']) total_size += item['length'] # If you get this far you don't have 'size' amount of data # so just return what you've got return md5_list
[docs] def has_sample(self, md5): """Checks if data store has this sample. Args: md5: The md5 digest of the required sample. Returns: True if sample with this md5 is present, else False. """ # The easiest thing is to simply get the sample and if that # succeeds than return True, else return False try: self.get_sample(md5) return True except RuntimeError: return False
[docs] def list_samples(self, predicate={}): """List all samples that meet the predicate or all if predicate is not specified. Args: predicate: Match samples against this predicate (or all if not specified) Returns: List of dictionaries with matching samples {'md5':md5, 'filename': 'foo.exe', 'type_tag': 'exe'} """ cursor = self.database[self.sample_collection].find(predicate, {'_id':0, 'md5':1, 'filename':1, 'type_tag':1}) return list(cursor)
[docs] def store_work_results(self, results, collection, md5): """Store the output results of the worker. Args: results: a dictionary. collection: the database collection to store the results in. md5: the md5 of sample data to be updated. """ # Make sure the md5 and time stamp is on the data before storing results['md5'] = md5 results['__time_stamp'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Fixme: Occasionally a capped collection will not let you update with a # larger object, if you have MongoDB 2.6 or above this shouldn't # really happen, so for now just kinda punting and giving a message. try: self.database[collection].update({'md5':md5}, self.clean_for_storage(results), True) except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: print 'Not updating exising object in capped collection...(upgrade to mongodb 2.6)'
[docs] def get_work_results(self, collection, md5): """Get the results of the worker. Args: collection: the database collection storing the results. md5: the md5 digest of the data. Returns: Dictionary of the worker result. """ return self.database[collection].find_one({'md5':md5})
[docs] def all_sample_md5s(self, type_tag=None): """Return a list of all md5 matching the type_tag ('exe','pdf', etc). Args: type_tag: the type of sample. Returns: a list of matching samples. """ if type_tag: cursor = self.database[self.sample_collection].find({'type_tag': type_tag}, {'md5': 1, '_id': 0}) else: cursor = self.database[self.sample_collection].find({}, {'md5': 1, '_id': 0}) return [match.values()[0] for match in cursor]
[docs] def clear_db(self): """Drops the entire workbench database.""" print 'Dropping the entire workbench database... Whee!' self.mongo.drop_database(self.database_name)
[docs] def periodic_ops(self): """Run periodic operations on the the data store. Operations like making sure collections are capped and indexes are set up. """ # Only run every 5 minutes if (time.time() - self.last_ops_run) < 300: return # Reset last ops run self.last_ops_run = time.time() print 'Running Periodic Ops' # Get all the collections in the workbench database all_c = self.database.collection_names() # Remove collections that we don't want to cap try: all_c.remove('system.indexes') all_c.remove('fs.chunks') all_c.remove('fs.files') all_c.remove(self.sample_collection) except ValueError: print 'Catching a benign exception thats expected...' # Convert collections to capped if desired if self.worker_cap: size = self.worker_cap * pow(1024, 2) # MegaBytes per collection for collection in all_c: self.database.command('convertToCapped', collection, size=size) # Loop through all collections ensuring they have an index on MD5s for collection in all_c: self.database[collection].ensure_index('md5') # Add required index for samples collection self.database[self.sample_collection].create_index('import_time') # Helper functions
[docs] def to_unicode(self, s): """Convert an elementary datatype to unicode. Args: s: the datatype to be unicoded. Returns: Unicoded data. """ # Fixme: This is total horseshit if isinstance(s, unicode): return s if isinstance(s, str): return unicode(s, errors='ignore') # Just return the original object return s
[docs] def data_to_unicode(self, data): """Recursively convert a list or dictionary to unicode. Args: data: The data to be unicoded. Returns: Unicoded data. """ if isinstance(data, dict): return {self.to_unicode(k): self.to_unicode(v) for k, v in data.iteritems()} if isinstance(data, list): return [self.to_unicode(l) for l in data] else: return self.to_unicode(data)