Source code for workbench.workers.mem_pslist

''' Memory Image PSList worker. This worker utilizes the Rekall Memory Forensic Framework.
    See Google Github:
    All credit for good stuff goes to them, all credit for bad stuff goes to us. :)
import os
import hashlib
import mem_base
import re

class MemoryImagePSList(mem_base.MemoryImageBase):
[docs] ''' This worker computes pslist-data for memory image files. ''' dependencies = ['sample'] def __init__(self): ''' Initialization ''' super(MemoryImagePSList, self).__init__() self.set_plugin_name('pslist') def execute(self, input_data):
[docs] output = super(MemoryImagePSList, self).execute(input_data) # Special processing for Offset (V) for row in output['sections']['Info']: sub_offset ='@ (.*)\n', row['Offset (V)']) row['Offset (V)'] = # Organize the output a bit output['tables'] = ['pslist'] output['pslist'] = output['sections']['Info'] del output['sections'] return output # Unit test: Create the class, the proper input and run the execute() method for a test import pytest
@pytest.mark.rekall def test(): ''' Test ''' # This worker test requires a local server running import zerorpc workbench = zerorpc.Client(timeout=300, heartbeat=60) workbench.connect("tcp://") # Store the sample data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../data/memory_images/exemplar4.vmem') with open(data_path, 'rb') as mem_file: raw_bytes = md5 = hashlib.md5(raw_bytes).hexdigest() if not workbench.has_sample(md5): md5 = workbench.store_sample('exemplar4.vmem', open(data_path, 'rb').read(), 'mem') # Execute the worker (unit test) worker = MemoryImagePSList() output = worker.execute({'sample':{'raw_bytes':raw_bytes}}) print '\n<<< Unit Test >>>' print 'pslist(truncated): %s' % str(output)[:500] assert 'Error' not in output # Execute the worker (server test) output = workbench.work_request('mem_pslist', md5) print '\n<<< Server Test >>>' print 'pslist(truncated): %s' % str(output)[:500] assert 'Error' not in output if __name__ == "__main__": test()