Source code for workbench.workers.pcap_bro

''' PcapBro worker '''
import os
import tempfile
import contextlib
import shutil
import gevent.subprocess
import glob
import zerorpc
import pprint

[docs]class PcapBro(object): ''' This worker runs Bro scripts on a pcap file ''' dependencies = ['sample'] def __init__(self): self.workbench = zerorpc.Client(timeout=300, heartbeat=60) self.workbench.connect("tcp://") self.orig_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
[docs] def get_bro_script_path(self): # Just run all the scripts in the bro directory bro_dir = os.path.join(self.orig_dir, 'bro') if os.path.exists(bro_dir): return bro_dir else: raise RuntimeError('pcap_bro could not find bro directory under: %s' % self.orig_dir)
[docs] def setup_pcap_inputs(self, input_data): ''' Write the PCAPs to disk for Bro to process and return the pcap filenames ''' # Setup the pcap in the input data for processing by Bro. The input # may be either an individual sample or a sample set. file_list = [] if 'sample' in input_data: raw_bytes = input_data['sample']['raw_bytes'] filename = os.path.basename(input_data['sample']['filename']) file_list.append({'filename': filename, 'bytes': raw_bytes}) else: for md5 in input_data['sample_set']['md5_list']: sample = self.workbench.get_sample(md5)['sample'] raw_bytes = sample['raw_bytes'] filename = os.path.basename(sample['filename']) file_list.append({'filename': filename, 'bytes': raw_bytes}) # Write the pcaps to disk and keep the filenames for Bro to process for file_info in file_list: with open(file_info['filename'], 'wb') as pcap_file: pcap_file.write(file_info['bytes']) # Return filenames return [file_info['filename'] for file_info in file_list]
[docs] def execute(self, input_data): ''' Execute ''' # Get the bro script path (workers/bro/__load__.bro) script_path = self.get_bro_script_path() # Create a temporary directory with self.make_temp_directory() as temp_dir: os.chdir(temp_dir) # Get the pcap inputs (filenames) print 'pcap_bro: Setting up PCAP inputs...' filenames = self.setup_pcap_inputs(input_data) command_line = ['bro'] for filename in filenames: command_line += ['-C', '-r', filename] if script_path: command_line.append(script_path) # Execute command line as a subprocess print 'pcap_bro: Executing subprocess...' self.subprocess_manager(command_line) # Scrape up all the output log files print 'pcap_bro: Scraping output logs...' my_output = {} for output_log in glob.glob('*.log'): # Store the output into workbench, put the name:md5 in my output output_name = os.path.splitext(output_log)[0] + '_log' with open(output_log, 'rb') as bro_file: raw_bytes = my_output[output_name] = self.workbench.store_sample(output_name, raw_bytes, 'bro') # Scrape any extracted files print 'pcap_bro: Scraping extracted files...' my_output['extracted_files'] = [] for output_file in glob.glob('extract_files/*'): # Store the output into workbench, put md5s in the 'extracted_files' field output_name = os.path.basename(output_file) with open(output_file, 'rb') as extracted_file: if output_name.endswith('exe'): type_tag = 'exe' else: type_tag = output_name[-3:] raw_bytes = my_output['extracted_files'].append(self.workbench.store_sample(output_name, raw_bytes, type_tag)) # Construct back-pointers to the PCAPs if 'sample' in input_data: my_output['pcaps'] = [input_data['sample']['md5']] else: my_output['pcaps'] = input_data['sample_set']['md5_list'] # Return my output return my_output
[docs] def subprocess_manager(self, exec_args): ''' Bro subprocess manager ''' try: sp = gevent.subprocess.Popen(exec_args, stdout=gevent.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=gevent.subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: raise RuntimeError('Could not run bro executable (either not installed or not in path): %s' % (exec_args)) out, err = sp.communicate() if out: print 'standard output of subprocess: %s' % out if err: raise RuntimeError('%s\npcap_bro had output on stderr: %s' % (exec_args, err)) if sp.returncode: raise RuntimeError('%s\npcap_bro had returncode: %d' % (exec_args, sp.returncode))
[docs] def make_temp_directory(self): ''' Bro temporary directory context manager ''' temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: yield temp_dir finally: # Remove the directory/files shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) # Change back to original directory os.chdir(self.orig_dir)
[docs] def __del__(self): ''' Class Cleanup ''' # Close zeroRPC client self.workbench.close() # Unit test: Create the class, the proper input and run the execute() method for a test
[docs]def test(): ''' Unit test''' # This worker test requires a local server running import zerorpc workbench = zerorpc.Client(timeout=300, heartbeat=60) workbench.connect("tcp://") # Generate the input data for this worker data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../data/pcap/http.pcap') md5 = workbench.store_sample('http.pcap', open(data_path, 'rb').read(), 'pcap') input_data = workbench.get_sample(md5) # Execute the worker (unit test) worker = PcapBro() output = worker.execute(input_data) print '\n<<< Unit Test >>>' pprint.pprint(output) # Execute the worker (server test) output = workbench.work_request('pcap_bro', md5) print '\n<<< Server Test >>>' pprint.pprint(output) # Open a bunch of pcaps data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../data/pcap') file_list = [os.path.join(data_dir, child) for child in os.listdir(data_dir)] pcap_md5s = [] for filename in file_list: # Skip OS generated files if '.DS_Store' in filename: continue with open(filename, 'rb') as pcap_file: base_name = os.path.basename(filename) pcap_md5s.append(workbench.store_sample(base_name,, 'pcap')) # Now store the sample set set_md5 = workbench.store_sample_set(pcap_md5s) print set_md5 # Execute the worker (unit test) output = worker.execute({'sample_set': {'md5_list': pcap_md5s}}) print '\n<<< Unit Test >>>' pprint.pprint(output) # Execute the worker (server test) output = workbench.work_request('pcap_bro', set_md5) print '\n<<< Server Test >>>' pprint.pprint(output)
if __name__ == "__main__": test()