Source code for workbench.workers.pcap_graph

''' pcap_graph worker '''
import zerorpc
import os
import pprint

[docs]class PcapGraph(object): ''' This worker generates a graph from a PCAP (depends on Bro) ''' dependencies = ['pcap_bro'] def __init__(self): ''' Initialization ''' self.workbench = zerorpc.Client(timeout=300, heartbeat=60) self.workbench.connect('tcp://') self.mime_types = ['application/x-dosexec', 'application/pdf', 'application/zip', 'application/jar', 'application/', 'application/x-shockwave-flash'] self.exclude_mime_types = ['text/plain','text/html','image/jpeg','image/png'] # Caches for nodes and relationships to avoid adding things over and over self.node_cache = set() self.rel_cache = set() # In general this is heavy handed but seems better to do than not do self.workbench.clear_graph_db() # Graph methods
[docs] def add_node(self, node_id, name, labels): ''' Cache aware add_node ''' if node_id not in self.node_cache: self.workbench.add_node(node_id, name, labels) self.node_cache.add(node_id)
[docs] def add_rel(self, source_id, target_id, rel): ''' Cache aware add_rel ''' if (source_id, target_id) not in self.rel_cache: self.workbench.add_rel(source_id, target_id, rel) self.rel_cache.add((source_id, target_id))
[docs] def execute(self, input_data): ''' Okay this worker is going build graphs from PCAP Bro output logs ''' # Grab the Bro log handles from the input bro_logs = input_data['pcap_bro'] # DNS log stream = self.workbench.stream_sample(bro_logs['dns_log'], None) self.dns_log_graph(stream) # Weird log if 'weird_log' in bro_logs: stream = self.workbench.stream_sample(bro_logs['weird_log'], None) self.weird_log_graph(stream) # HTTP log stream = self.workbench.stream_sample(bro_logs['http_log'], None) self.http_log_graph(stream) # Files log stream = self.workbench.stream_sample(bro_logs['files_log'], None) self.files_log_graph(stream) # Conn log stream = self.workbench.stream_sample(bro_logs['conn_log'], None) self.conn_log_graph(stream) return {'output':'go to http://localhost:7474/browser and execute this query "match (s:origin), (t:file), p=allShortestPaths((s)--(t)) return p"'}
[docs] def conn_log_graph(self, stream): ''' Build up a graph (nodes and edges from a Bro conn.log) ''' for row in list(stream): # Add the connection id with service as one of the labels self.workbench.add_node(row['uid'], row['uid'][:6], ['conn_id', row['service']]) # Add the originating host self.workbench.add_node(row['id.orig_h'], row['id.orig_h'], ['ip', 'origin']) # Add the response host self.workbench.add_node(row['id.resp_h'], row['id.resp_h'], ['ip', 'response']) # Add the ip->connection relationships self.workbench.add_rel(row['uid'], row['id.orig_h'], 'origin') self.workbench.add_rel(row['uid'], row['id.resp_h'], 'response')
[docs] def http_log_graph(self, stream): ''' Build up a graph (nodes and edges from a Bro http.log) ''' print 'Entering http_log_graph...' for row in list(stream): # Skip '-' hosts if (row['id.orig_h'] == '-'): continue # Add the originating host self.add_node(row['id.orig_h'], row['id.orig_h'], ['host', 'origin']) # Add the response host and reponse ip self.add_node(row['host'], row['host'], ['host']) self.add_node(row['id.resp_h'], row['id.resp_h'], ['host']) # Add the http request relationships self.workbench.add_rel(row['id.orig_h'], row['host'], 'http_request') self.workbench.add_rel(row['host'], row['id.resp_h'], 'A') # If the mime-type is interesting add the uri and the host->uri->host relationships ''' if row['resp_mime_types'] in self.mime_types: self.add_node(row['uri'], row['resp_mime_types'], ['file']) self.add_rel(row['uri'], row['id.resp_h'], 'file') '''
[docs] def dns_log_graph(self, stream): ''' Build up a graph (nodes and edges from a Bro dns.log) ''' print 'Entering dns_log_graph..' for row in list(stream): # Skip '-' hosts if (row['id.orig_h'] == '-'): continue # Add the originating host self.add_node(row['id.orig_h'], row['id.orig_h'], ['host', 'origin']) # Add the query host self.add_node(row['query'], row['query'], ['host', 'dns_query']) # The relationship between origin host and query self.add_rel(row['id.orig_h'], row['query'], 'dns_query') # Add the DNS answers as hosts and add the relationships for answer in row['answers'].split(','): self.add_node(answer, answer, ['host']) self.add_rel(row['query'], answer, row['qtype_name']) print '\tdns_log_graph...'
[docs] def weird_log_graph(self, stream): ''' Build up a graph (nodes and edges from a Bro weird.log) ''' # Here we're just going to capture that something weird # happened between two hosts weird_pairs = set() for row in list(stream): weird_pairs.add((row['id.orig_h'], row['id.resp_h'])) # Okay now make the weird node for each pair for pair in weird_pairs: # Skip '-' hosts if (pair[0] == '-'): continue # Add the originating host self.add_node(pair[0], pair[0], ['host', 'origin']) # Add the response host self.add_node(pair[1], pair[1], ['host']) # Add a weird node weird_name = 'weird'+pair[0]+'_'+pair[1] self.add_node(weird_name, 'weird', ['weird']) # The relationships between the nodes self.add_rel(pair[0], weird_name, 'weird') self.add_rel(weird_name, pair[1], 'weird')
[docs] def files_log_graph(self, stream): ''' Build up a graph (nodes and edges from a Bro dns.log) ''' for row in list(stream): # dataframes['files_log'][['md5','mime_type','missing_bytes','rx_hosts','source','tx_hosts']] # If the mime-type is interesting add the uri and the host->uri->host relationships if row['mime_type'] not in self.exclude_mime_types: # Check for weird conditions if (row['total_bytes'] == '-'): continue if ('-' in row['md5']): continue # Check for missing bytes if row['missing_bytes']: labels = ['file','missing'] else: labels = ['file'] # Make the file node name kewl name = '%6s %s %.0f-KB' % (row['md5'][:6], row['mime_type'], row['total_bytes']/1024.0) if row['missing_bytes']: name += '*' name = name.replace('application/','') # Add the file node self.add_node(row['md5'], name, labels) # Add the tx_host self.add_node(row['tx_hosts'], row['tx_hosts'], ['host']) # Add the file->tx_host relationship self.add_rel(row['tx_hosts'], row['md5'], 'file')
[docs] def __del__(self): ''' Class Cleanup ''' # Close zeroRPC client self.workbench.close() # Unit test: Create the class, the proper input and run the execute() method for a test
[docs]def test(): ''' Unit test ''' # This worker test requires a local server as it relies on the recursive dependencies import zerorpc workbench = zerorpc.Client(timeout=300, heartbeat=60) workbench.connect("tcp://") # Generate the input data for this worker data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../data/pcap/kitchen_boss.pcap') md5 = workbench.store_sample('kitchen_boss.pcap', open(data_path, 'rb').read(), 'pcap') input_data = workbench.work_request('pcap_bro', md5) # Execute the worker (unit test) worker = PcapGraph() output = worker.execute(input_data) print '\n<<< Unit Test >>>' pprint.pprint(output) # Execute the worker (server test) output = workbench.work_request('pcap_graph', md5) print '\n<<< Server Test >>>' pprint.pprint(output)
if __name__ == "__main__": test()