Source code for workbench.server.plugin_manager

"""A simple plugin manager. Rolling my own for three reasons:
   1) Environmental scan did not give me quite what I wanted.
   2) The super simple examples didn't support automatic/dynamic loading.
   3) I kinda wanted to understand the process :)

import os, sys
from datetime import datetime
import dir_watcher
import inspect
from IPython.utils.coloransi import TermColors as color
#pylint: disable=no-member

[docs]class PluginManager(object): """Plugin Manager for Workbench.""" def __init__(self, plugin_callback, plugin_dir = 'workers'): """Initialize the Plugin Manager for Workbench. Args: plugin_callback: The callback for plugin. This is called when plugin is added. plugin_dir: The dir where plugin resides. """ # Set the callback, the plugin directory and load the plugins self.plugin_callback = plugin_callback self.plugin_dir = plugin_dir self.load_all_plugins() # Now setup dynamic monitoring of the plugins directory self.watcher = dir_watcher.DirWatcher(self.plugin_path) self.watcher.register_callbacks(self.on_created, self.on_modified, self.on_deleted) self.watcher.start_monitoring()
[docs] def load_all_plugins(self): """Load all the plugins in the plugin directory""" # Go through the existing python files in the plugin directory self.plugin_path = os.path.realpath(self.plugin_dir) sys.path.append(self.plugin_dir) print '<<< Plugin Manager >>>' for f in [os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, child) for child in os.listdir(self.plugin_dir)]: # Skip certain files if '.DS_Store' in f or '' in f: continue # Add the plugin self.add_plugin(f)
[docs] def on_created(self, file_list): """Watcher callback Args: event: The creation event. """ for plugin in file_list: self.add_plugin(plugin)
[docs] def on_modified(self, file_list): """Watcher callback. Args: event: The modification event. """ for plugin in file_list: self.add_plugin(plugin)
[docs] def on_deleted(self, file_list): """Watcher callback. Args: event: The modification event. """ for plugin in file_list: self.remove_plugin(plugin)
[docs] def remove_plugin(self, f): """Remvoing a deleted plugin. Args: f: the filepath for the plugin. """ if f.endswith('.py'): plugin_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] print '- %s %sREMOVED' % (plugin_name, color.Red) print '\t%sNote: still in memory, restart Workbench to remove...%s' % \ (color.Yellow, color.Normal)
[docs] def add_plugin(self, f): """Adding and verifying plugin. Args: f: the filepath for the plugin. """ if f.endswith('.py'): # Just the basename without extension plugin_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] # It's possible the plugin has been modified and needs to be reloaded if plugin_name in sys.modules: try: handler = reload(sys.modules[plugin_name]) print'\t- %s %sRELOAD%s' % (plugin_name, color.Yellow, color.Normal) except ImportError, error: print 'Failed to import plugin: %s (%s)' % (plugin_name, error) return else: # Not already loaded so try to import it try: handler = __import__(plugin_name, globals(), locals(), [], -1) except ImportError, error: print 'Failed to import plugin: %s (%s)' % (plugin_name, error) return # Run the handler through plugin validation plugin = self.validate(handler) print '\t- %s %sOK%s' % (plugin_name, color.Green, color.Normal) if plugin: # Okay must be successfully loaded so capture the plugin meta-data, # modification time and register the plugin through the callback plugin['name'] = plugin_name plugin['dependencies'] = plugin['class'].dependencies plugin['docstring'] = plugin['class'].__doc__ plugin['mod_time'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(f)) # Plugin may accept sample_sets as input try: plugin['sample_set_input'] = getattr(plugin['class'], 'sample_set_input') except AttributeError: plugin['sample_set_input'] = False # Now pass the plugin back to workbench self.plugin_callback(plugin)
[docs] def validate(self, handler): """Validate the plugin, each plugin must have the following: 1) The worker class must have an execute method: execute(self, input_data). 2) The worker class must have a dependencies list (even if it's empty). 3) The file must have a top level test() method. Args: handler: the loaded plugin. """ # Check for the test method first test_method = self.plugin_test_validation(handler) if not test_method: return None # Here we iterate through the classes found in the module and pick # the first one that satisfies the validation for name, plugin_class in inspect.getmembers(handler, inspect.isclass): if self.plugin_class_validation(plugin_class): return {'class':plugin_class, 'test':test_method} # If we're here the plugin didn't pass validation print 'Failure for plugin: %s' % (handler.__name__) print 'Validation Error: Worker class is required to have a dependencies list and an execute method' return None
[docs] def plugin_test_validation(self, handler): """Plugin validation. Every workbench plugin must have top level test method. Args: handler: The loaded plugin. Returns: None if the test fails or the test function. """ methods = {name:func for name, func in inspect.getmembers(handler, callable)} if 'test' not in methods.keys(): print 'Failure for plugin: %s' % (handler.__name__) print 'Validation Error: The file must have a top level test() method' return None else: return methods['test']
[docs] def plugin_class_validation(self, plugin_class): """Plugin validation Every workbench plugin must have a dependencies list (even if it's empty). Every workbench plugin must have an execute method. Args: plugin_class: The loaded plugun class. Returns: True if dependencies and execute are present, else False. """ try: getattr(plugin_class, 'dependencies') getattr(plugin_class, 'execute') except AttributeError: return False return True # Just create the class and run it for a test
[docs]def test(): """Executes test.""" # This test actually does more than it appears. The workers directory # will get scanned and stuff will get loaded into workbench. def new_plugin(plugin): """new plugin callback """ print '%s' % (plugin['name']) # Create Plugin Manager plugin_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),'../workers') PluginManager(new_plugin, plugin_dir=plugin_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__": test()